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virt-install - provision new virtual machines


virt-install [ OPTION ]..


virt-install is a command line tool for creating new KVM , Xen, or Linux container guests using the 'libvirt' hypervisormanagement library. See the EXAMPLES section at the end of this document to quickly get started.

virt-install tool supports both text based & graphical installations, using VNC or SDL graphics, or a text serialconsole. The guest can be configured to use one or more virtual disks, network interfaces, audio devices, physical USB or PCIdevices, among others.

The installation media can be held locally or remotely on NFS , HTTP , FTP servers. In the latter case'virt-install' will fetch the minimal files necessary to kick off the installation process, allowing the guest to fetch the rest of theOS distribution as needed. PXE booting, and importing an existing disk image (thus skipping the install phase) are alsosupported.

Given suitable command line arguments, 'virt-install' is capable of running completely unattended, with the guest 'kickstarting' itself too. Thisallows for easy automation of guest installs. An interactive mode is also available with the --prompt option, but this will only ask for the minimum requiredoptions.


Most options are not required. Minimum requirements are --name, --ram, guest storage (--disk, --filesystem or --nodisks), and an install option.

-h, --help
Show the help message and exit
Connect to a non-default hypervisor. The default connection is chosen based on the following rules:

If running on a host with the Xen kernel (checks against /proc/xen)

If running on a bare metal kernel as root (needed for KVM installs)
If running on a bare metal kernel as non-root

It is only necessary to provide the '--connect' argument if this default prioritization is incorrect, eg if wanting to use QEMUwhile on a Xen kernel.

General Options

General configuration parameters that apply to all types of guest installs.
-n NAME , --name=NAME
Name of the new guest virtual machine instance. This must be unique amongst all guests known to the hypervisor on the connection, including those notcurrently active. To re-define an existing guest, use the virsh(1) tool to shut it down ('virsh shutdown') & delete ('virsh undefine') it prior torunning 'virt-install'.
-r MEMORY , --ram=MEMORY
Memory to allocate for guest instance in megabytes. If the hypervisor does not have enough free memory, it is usual for it to automatically take memory awayfrom the host operating system to satisfy this allocation.
Request a non-native CPU architecture for the guest virtual machine. If omitted, the host CPU architecture will be used in theguest.
The machine type to emulate. This will typically not need to be specified for Xen or KVM , but is useful for choosing machine types of moreexotic architectures.
-u UUID , --uuid=UUID
UUID for the guest; if none is given a random UUID will be generated. If you specify UUID , you should use a32-digit hexadecimal number. UUID are intended to be unique across the entire data center, and indeed world. Bear this in mind if manuallyspecifying a UUID
Number of virtual cpus to configure for the guest. If 'maxvcpus' is specified, the guest will be able to hotplug up to MAX vcpus while theguest is running, but will startup with VCPUS .

CPU topology can additionally be specified with sockets, cores, and threads. If values are omitted, the rest will be autofilled preferingsockets over cores over threads.

Set which physical cpus the guest can use. 'CPUSET' is a comma separated list of numbers, which can also be specified in ranges or cpus to exclude.Example:If the value 'auto' is passed, virt-install attempts to automatically determine an optimal cpu pinning using NUMA data, if available.
Tune NUMA policy for the domain process. Example invocationsSpecifies the numa nodes to allocate memory from. This has the same syntax as '--cpuset' option. mode can be one of 'interleave', 'preferred', or'strict' (the default). See 'man 8 numactl' for information about each mode.

The nodeset string must use escaped-quotes if specifying any other option.

--cpu MODEL[,+feature][,-feature][,match=MATCH][,vendor=VENDOR]
Configure the CPU model and CPU features exposed to the guest. The only required value is MODEL , which is avalid CPU model as listed in libvirt's cpu_map.xml file.

Specific CPU features can be specified in a number of ways: using one of libvirt's feature policy values force, require, optional, disable,or forbid, or with the shorthand '+feature' and '-feature', which equal 'force=feature' and 'disable=feature' respectively

Some examples:

--cpu core2duo,+x2apic,disable=vmx
MAN Port Devices Driver download
Expose the core2duo CPU model, force enable x2apic, but do not expose vmx
--cpu host
Expose the host CPUs configuration to the guest. This enables the guest to take advantage of many of the host CPUs features (better performance), but maycause issues if migrating the guest to a host without an identical CPU .
Human readable text description of the virtual machine. This will be stored in the guests XML configuration for access by otherapplications.
--security type=TYPE[,label=LABEL][,relabel=yes|no]
Configure domain security driver settings. Type can be either 'static' or 'dynamic'. 'static' configuration requires a security LABEL .Specifying LABEL without TYPE implies static configuration. To have libvirt automatically apply your static label, you mustspecify relabel=yes.

Installation Method options

-c CDROM , --cdrom=CDROM
File or device use as a virtual CD-ROM device for fully virtualized guests. It can be path to an ISO image, or to a CDROMdevice. It can also be a URL from which to fetch/access a minimal boot ISO image. The URLs take the same format as described forthe '--location' argument. If a cdrom has been specified via the '--disk' option, and neither '--cdrom' nor any other install optionis specified, the '--disk' cdrom is used as the install media.
-l LOCATION , --location=LOCATION
Distribution tree installtion source. virt-install can recognize certain distribution trees and fetches a bootable kernel/initrd pair to launch the install.

With libvirt 0.9.4 or later, network URL installs work for remote connections. virt-install will download kernel/initrd to the local machine,and then upload the media to the remote host. This option requires the URL to be accessible by both the local and remote host.

The 'LOCATION' can take one of the following forms:

Path to a local directory containing an installable distribution image
nfs:host:/path or nfs://host/path
An NFS server location containing an installable distribution image
An HTTP server location containing an installable distribution image
An FTP server location containing an installable distribution image
Some distro specific url samples:
Fedora/Red Hat Based
Use the PXE boot protocol to load the initial ramdisk and kernel for starting the guest installation process.
Skip the OS installation process, and build a guest around an existing disk image. The device used for booting is the first device specifiedvia '--disk' or '--filesystem'.
Path to a binary that the container guest will init. If a root '--filesystem' is has been specified, virt-install will default to /sbin/init,otherwise will default to /bin/sh.
Specify that the installation media is a live CD and thus the guest needs to be configured to boot off the CDROM devicepermanently. It may be desirable to also use the '--nodisks' flag in combination.
-x EXTRA , --extra-args=EXTRA
Additional kernel command line arguments to pass to the installer when performing a guest install from '--location'. One common usage is specifyingan anaconda kickstart file for automated installs, such as --extra-args 'ks=http://myserver/my.ks'
Add PATH to the root of the initrd fetched with '--location'. This can be used to run an automated install without requiring anetwork hosted kickstart file:

--initrd-inject=/path/to/my.ks --extra-args 'ks=file:/my.ks'

Optimize the guest configuration for a type of operating system (ex. 'linux', 'windows'). This will attempt to pick the most suitable ACPI& APIC settings, optimally supported mouse drivers, virtio, and generally accommodate other operating system quirks.

By default, virt-install will attempt to auto detect this value from the install media (currently only supported for URL installs).Autodetection can be disabled with the special value 'none'

See '--os-variant' for valid options.

Further optimize the guest configuration for a specific operating system variant (ex. 'fedora8', 'winxp'). This parameter is optional, and does not requirean '--os-type' to be specified.

By default, virt-install will attempt to auto detect this value from the install media (currently only supported for URL installs).Autodetection can be disabled with the special value 'none'.

If the special value 'list' is passed, virt-install will print the full list of variant values and exit. The printed format is not a stable interface,DO NOT PARSE IT .

If the special value 'none' is passed, no os variant is recorded and OS autodetection is disabled.

Values for some recent OS options are:

MAN Port Devices Driver Download
win7 : Microsoft Windows 7
vista : Microsoft Windows Vista
winxp64 : Microsoft Windows XP (x86_64)
winxp : Microsoft Windows XP
win2k8 : Microsoft Windows Server 2008
win2k3 : Microsoft Windows Server 2003
freebsd8 : FreeBSD 8.x
generic : Generic
debiansqueeze : Debian Squeeze
debianlenny : Debian Lenny
fedora16 : Fedora 16
fedora15 : Fedora 15
fedora14 : Fedora 14
mes5.1 : Mandriva Enterprise Server 5.1 and later
mandriva2010 : Mandriva Linux 2010 and later
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rhel6 : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
rhel5.4 : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 or later
rhel4 : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
sles11 : Suse Linux Enterprise Server 11
sles10 : Suse Linux Enterprise Server
ubuntuoneiric : Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot)
ubuntunatty : Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)
ubuntumaverick : Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)
ubuntulucid : Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)
ubuntuhardy : Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron)
Use '--os-variant list' to see the full OS list
Optionally specify the post-install VM boot configuration. This option allows specifying a boot device order, permanently booting offkernel/initrd with option kernel arguments, and enabling a BIOS boot menu (requires libvirt 0.8.3 or later)

--boot can be specified in addition to other install options (such as --location, --cdrom, etc.) or can be specified on it's own. In the latter case,behavior is similar to the --import install option: there is no 'install' phase, the guest is just created and launched as specified.

Some examples:

--boot cdrom,fd,hd,network,menu=on
Set the boot device priority as first cdrom, first floppy, first harddisk, network PXE boot. Additionally enable BIOS bootmenu prompt.
--boot kernel=KERNEL,initrd=INITRD,kernel_args='console=/dev/ttyS0'
Have guest permanently boot off a local kernel/initrd pair, with the specified kernel options.

Storage Configuration

Specifies media to use as storage for the guest, with various options. The general format of a disk string isTo specify media, the command can either be:or explicitly specify one of the following arguments:
A path to some storage media to use, existing or not. Existing media can be a file or block device. If installing on a remote host, the existing media mustbe shared as a libvirt storage volume.

Specifying a non-existent path implies attempting to create the new storage, and will require specifyng a 'size' value. If the base directory of the path isa libvirt storage pool on the host, the new storage will be created as a libvirt storage volume. For remote hosts, the base directory is required to be astorage pool if using this method.

Expose the core2duo CPU model, force enable x2apic, but do not expose vmx
--cpu host
Expose the host CPUs configuration to the guest. This enables the guest to take advantage of many of the host CPUs features (better performance), but maycause issues if migrating the guest to a host without an identical CPU .
Human readable text description of the virtual machine. This will be stored in the guests XML configuration for access by otherapplications.
--security type=TYPE[,label=LABEL][,relabel=yes|no]
Configure domain security driver settings. Type can be either 'static' or 'dynamic'. 'static' configuration requires a security LABEL .Specifying LABEL without TYPE implies static configuration. To have libvirt automatically apply your static label, you mustspecify relabel=yes.

Installation Method options

-c CDROM , --cdrom=CDROM
File or device use as a virtual CD-ROM device for fully virtualized guests. It can be path to an ISO image, or to a CDROMdevice. It can also be a URL from which to fetch/access a minimal boot ISO image. The URLs take the same format as described forthe '--location' argument. If a cdrom has been specified via the '--disk' option, and neither '--cdrom' nor any other install optionis specified, the '--disk' cdrom is used as the install media.
-l LOCATION , --location=LOCATION
Distribution tree installtion source. virt-install can recognize certain distribution trees and fetches a bootable kernel/initrd pair to launch the install.

With libvirt 0.9.4 or later, network URL installs work for remote connections. virt-install will download kernel/initrd to the local machine,and then upload the media to the remote host. This option requires the URL to be accessible by both the local and remote host.

The 'LOCATION' can take one of the following forms:

Path to a local directory containing an installable distribution image
nfs:host:/path or nfs://host/path
An NFS server location containing an installable distribution image
An HTTP server location containing an installable distribution image
An FTP server location containing an installable distribution image
Some distro specific url samples:
Fedora/Red Hat Based
Use the PXE boot protocol to load the initial ramdisk and kernel for starting the guest installation process.
Skip the OS installation process, and build a guest around an existing disk image. The device used for booting is the first device specifiedvia '--disk' or '--filesystem'.
Path to a binary that the container guest will init. If a root '--filesystem' is has been specified, virt-install will default to /sbin/init,otherwise will default to /bin/sh.
Specify that the installation media is a live CD and thus the guest needs to be configured to boot off the CDROM devicepermanently. It may be desirable to also use the '--nodisks' flag in combination.
-x EXTRA , --extra-args=EXTRA
Additional kernel command line arguments to pass to the installer when performing a guest install from '--location'. One common usage is specifyingan anaconda kickstart file for automated installs, such as --extra-args 'ks=http://myserver/my.ks'
Add PATH to the root of the initrd fetched with '--location'. This can be used to run an automated install without requiring anetwork hosted kickstart file:

--initrd-inject=/path/to/my.ks --extra-args 'ks=file:/my.ks'

Optimize the guest configuration for a type of operating system (ex. 'linux', 'windows'). This will attempt to pick the most suitable ACPI& APIC settings, optimally supported mouse drivers, virtio, and generally accommodate other operating system quirks.

By default, virt-install will attempt to auto detect this value from the install media (currently only supported for URL installs).Autodetection can be disabled with the special value 'none'

See '--os-variant' for valid options.

Further optimize the guest configuration for a specific operating system variant (ex. 'fedora8', 'winxp'). This parameter is optional, and does not requirean '--os-type' to be specified.

By default, virt-install will attempt to auto detect this value from the install media (currently only supported for URL installs).Autodetection can be disabled with the special value 'none'.

If the special value 'list' is passed, virt-install will print the full list of variant values and exit. The printed format is not a stable interface,DO NOT PARSE IT .

If the special value 'none' is passed, no os variant is recorded and OS autodetection is disabled.

Values for some recent OS options are:

win7 : Microsoft Windows 7
vista : Microsoft Windows Vista
winxp64 : Microsoft Windows XP (x86_64)
winxp : Microsoft Windows XP
win2k8 : Microsoft Windows Server 2008
win2k3 : Microsoft Windows Server 2003
freebsd8 : FreeBSD 8.x
generic : Generic
debiansqueeze : Debian Squeeze
debianlenny : Debian Lenny
fedora16 : Fedora 16
fedora15 : Fedora 15
fedora14 : Fedora 14
mes5.1 : Mandriva Enterprise Server 5.1 and later
mandriva2010 : Mandriva Linux 2010 and later
rhel6 : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
rhel5.4 : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 or later
rhel4 : Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
sles11 : Suse Linux Enterprise Server 11
sles10 : Suse Linux Enterprise Server
ubuntuoneiric : Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot)
ubuntunatty : Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)
ubuntumaverick : Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)
ubuntulucid : Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)
ubuntuhardy : Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron)
Use '--os-variant list' to see the full OS list
Optionally specify the post-install VM boot configuration. This option allows specifying a boot device order, permanently booting offkernel/initrd with option kernel arguments, and enabling a BIOS boot menu (requires libvirt 0.8.3 or later)

--boot can be specified in addition to other install options (such as --location, --cdrom, etc.) or can be specified on it's own. In the latter case,behavior is similar to the --import install option: there is no 'install' phase, the guest is just created and launched as specified.

Some examples:

--boot cdrom,fd,hd,network,menu=on
Set the boot device priority as first cdrom, first floppy, first harddisk, network PXE boot. Additionally enable BIOS bootmenu prompt.
--boot kernel=KERNEL,initrd=INITRD,kernel_args='console=/dev/ttyS0'
Have guest permanently boot off a local kernel/initrd pair, with the specified kernel options.

Storage Configuration

Specifies media to use as storage for the guest, with various options. The general format of a disk string isTo specify media, the command can either be:or explicitly specify one of the following arguments:
A path to some storage media to use, existing or not. Existing media can be a file or block device. If installing on a remote host, the existing media mustbe shared as a libvirt storage volume.

Specifying a non-existent path implies attempting to create the new storage, and will require specifyng a 'size' value. If the base directory of the path isa libvirt storage pool on the host, the new storage will be created as a libvirt storage volume. For remote hosts, the base directory is required to be astorage pool if using this method.

An existing libvirt storage pool name to create new storage on. Requires specifying a 'size' value.

An existing libvirt storage volume to use. This is specified as 'poolname/volname'.

Other available options:
Disk device type. Value can be 'cdrom', 'disk', or 'floppy'. Default is 'disk'. If a 'cdrom' is specified, and no install method is chosen, the cdrom isused as the install media.

Disk bus type. Value can be 'ide', 'scsi', 'usb', 'virtio' or 'xen'. The default is hypervisor dependent since not all hypervisors support all bustypes.

Disk permissions. Value can be 'rw' (Read/Write), 'ro' (Readonly), or 'sh' (Shared Read/Write). Default is 'rw'
size (in GB ) to use if creating new storage
whether to skip fully allocating newly created storage. Value is 'true' or 'false'. Default is 'true' (do not fully allocate).

The initial time taken to fully-allocate the guest virtual disk (sparse=false) will be usually by balanced by faster install times inside the guest. Thususe of this option is recommended to ensure consistently high performance and to avoid I/O errors in the guest should the host filesystem fill up.

The cache mode to be used. The host pagecache provides cache memory. The cache value can be 'none', 'writethrough', or 'writeback'. 'writethrough' providesread caching. 'writeback' provides read and write caching.
Image format to be used if creating managed storage. For file volumes, this can be 'raw', 'qcow2', 'vmdk', etc. See format types in for possible values. This is often mapped to the driver_type value as well.

With libvirt 0.8.3 and later, this option should be specified if reusing and existing disk image, since libvirt does not autodetect storage format as it isa potential security issue. For example, if reusing an existing qcow2 image, you will want to specify format=qcow2, otherwise the hypervisor may not be able toread your disk image.

Driver name the hypervisor should use when accessing the specified storage. Typically does not need to be set by the user.
Driver format/type the hypervisor should use when accessing the specified storage. Typically does not need to be set by the user.

Disk IO backend. Can be either 'threads' or 'native'.

How guest should react if a write error is encountered. Can be one of 'stop', 'none', or 'enospace'
Serial number of the emulated disk device. This is used in linux guests to set /dev/disk/by-id symlinks. An example serial number might be:WD-WMAP9A966149
See the examples section for some uses. This option deprecates '--file', '--file-size', and '--nonsparse'.
Specifies a directory on the host to export to the guest. The most simple invocation is:Which will work for recent QEMU and linux guest OS or LXC containers. For QEMU , the targetpoint is just a mounting hint in sysfs, so will not be automatically mounted.

The following explicit options can be specified:

The type or the source directory. Valid values are 'mount' (the default) or 'template' for OpenVZ templates.
The access mode for the source directory from the guest OS . Only used with QEMU and type=mount. Valid modes are 'passthrough'(the default), 'mapped', or 'squash'. See libvirt domain XML documentation for more info.
The directory on the host to share.
The mount location to use in the guest.
Request a virtual machine without any local disk storage, typically used for running 'Live CD ' images or installing to network storage(iSCSI or NFS root).
This option is deprecated in favor of '--disk path=DISKFILE'.
-s DISKSIZE , --file-size=DISKSIZE
This option is deprecated in favor of '--disk ..,size=DISKSIZE,..'
This option is deprecated in favor of '--disk ..,sparse=false,..'

Networking Configuration

-w NETWORK , --network=NETWORK,opt1=val1,opt2=val2
Connect the guest to the host network. The value for 'NETWORK' can take one of 3 formats:
Connect to a bridge device in the host called 'BRIDGE'. Use this option if the host has static networking config & the guest requires fulloutbound and inbound connectivity to/from the LAN . Also use this if live migration will be used with this guest.
Connect to a virtual network in the host called 'NAME'. Virtual networks can be listed, created, deleted using the 'virsh' command linetool. In an unmodified install of 'libvirt' there is usually a virtual network with a name of 'default'. Use a virtual network if the hosthas dynamic networking (eg NetworkManager), or using wireless. The guest will be NATed to the LAN by whichever connection is active.
Connect to the LAN using SLIRP . Only use this if running a QEMU guest as an unprivileged user. This provides avery limited form of NAT .
If this option is omitted a single NIC will be created in the guest. If there is a bridge device in the host with a physical interfaceenslaved, that will be used for connectivity. Failing that, the virtual network called 'default' will be used. This option can be specified multipletimes to setup more than one NIC .

Other available options are:

Network device model as seen by the guest. Value can be any nic model supported by the hypervisor, e.g.: 'e1000', 'rtl8139', 'virtio', ..

Fixed MAC address for the guest; If this parameter is omitted, or the value 'RANDOM' is specified a suitable address will berandomly generated. For Xen virtual machines it is required that the first 3 pairs in the MAC address be the sequence '00:16:3e', while forQEMU or KVM virtual machines it must be '52:54:00'.

Request a virtual machine without any network interfaces.
-b BRIDGE , --bridge=BRIDGE
This parameter is deprecated in favour of '--network bridge=bridge_name'.
-m MAC , --mac=MAC
This parameter is deprecated in favour of '--network NETWORK,mac=12:34..'

Graphics Configuration

If no graphics option is specified, 'virt-install' will default to '--graphics vnc' if the DISPLAY environment variable is set,otherwise '--graphics none' is used.
--graphics TYPE ,opt1=arg1,opt2=arg2,..
Specifies the graphical display configuration. This does not configure any virtual hardware, just how the guest's graphical display can be accessed.Typically the user does not need to specify this option, virt-install will try and choose a useful default, and launch a suitable connection.

General format of a graphical string isFor example:The supported options are:

The display type. This is one of:


Setup a virtual console in the guest and export it as a VNC server in the host. Unless the 'port' parameter is also provided, theVNC server will run on the first free port number at 5900 or above. The actual VNC display allocated can be obtained using the'vncdisplay' command to 'virsh' (or virt-viewer(1) can be used which handles this detail for the use).


Setup a virtual console in the guest and display an SDL window in the host to render the output. If the SDL window is closedthe guest may be unconditionally terminated.


Export the guest's console using the Spice protocol. Spice allows advanced features like audio and USB device streaming, as well as improvedgraphical performance.

Using spice graphic type will work as if those arguments were given:none

No graphical console will be allocated for the guest. Fully virtualized guests (Xen FV or QEmu/KVM) will need to have a text consoleconfigured on the first serial port in the guest (this can be done via the --extra-args option). Xen PV will set this up automatically. Thecommand 'virsh console NAME ' can be used to connect to the serial device.

Request a permanent, statically assigned port number for the guest console. This is used by 'vnc' and 'spice'
Specify the spice tlsport.
Address to listen on for VNC/Spice connections. Default is typically (localhost only), but some hypervisors allow changing this globally (forexample, the qemu driver default can be changed in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf). Use to allow access from other machines. This is use by 'vnc' and'spice'
Request that the virtual VNC console be configured to run with a specific keyboard layout. If the special value 'local' is specified,virt-install will attempt to configure to use the same keymap as the local system. A value of 'none' specifically defers to the hypervisor. Default behavior ishypervisor specific, but typically is the same as 'local'. This is used by 'vnc'
Request a VNC password, required at connection time. Beware, this info may end up in virt-install log files, so don't use an importantpassword. This is used by 'vnc' and 'spice'
Set an expiration date for password. After the date/time has passed, all new graphical connections are denyed until a new password is set. This is used by'vnc' and 'spice'

Linksys multifunction devices driver download for windows 10. The format for this value is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS , for example 2011-04-01T14:30:15

This option is deprecated in favor of '--graphics vnc,..'
This option is deprecated in favor of '--graphics vnc,port=PORT,..'
This option is deprecated in favor of '--graphics vnc,listen=LISTEN,..'
-k KEYMAP , --keymap=KEYMAP
This option is deprecated in favor of '--graphics vnc,keymap=KEYMAP,..'
This option is deprecated in favor of '--graphics sdl,..'
This option is deprecated in favor of '--graphics none'
Don't automatically try to connect to the guest console. The default behaviour is to launch a VNC client to display the graphical console, orto run the 'virsh' 'console' command to display the text console. Use of this parameter will disable this behaviour.

Virtualization Type options

are specified, this will be assumed.
This guest should be a container type guest. This option is only required if the hypervisor supports other guest types as well (so for example this optionis the default behavior for LXC and OpenVZ, but is provided for completeness).
The hypervisor to install on. Example choices are kvm, qemu, xen, or kqemu. Availabile options are listed via 'virsh capabilities' in the tags.
Prefer KVM or KQEMU (in that order) if installing a QEMU guest. This behavior is now the default, and thisoption is deprecated. To install a plain QEMU guest, use '--virt-type qemu'
Force disable APIC for the guest.
Force disable ACPI for the guest.

Device Options

Attach a physical host device to the guest. Some example values for HOSTDEV:
--host-device pci_0000_00_1b_0
A node device name via libvirt, as shown by 'virsh nodedev-list'
--host-device 001.003
USB by bus, device (via lsusb).
--host-device 0x1234:0x5678
USB by vendor, product (via lsusb).
--host-device 1f.01.02
PCI device (via lspci).
--soundhw MODEL
Attach a virtual audio device to the guest. MODEL specifies the emulated sound card model. Possible values are ich6, ac97, es1370, sb16,pcspk, or default. 'default' will be AC97 if the hypervisor supports it, otherwise it will be ES1370 .

This deprecates the old boolean --sound model (which still works the same as a single '--soundhw default')

--watchdog MODEL[,action=ACTION]
Attach a virtual hardware watchdog device to the guest. This requires a daemon and device driver in the guest. The watchdog fires a signal when the virtualmachine appears to hung. ACTION specifies what libvirt will do when the watchdog fires. Values are
Forcefully reset the guest (the default)
Forcefully power off the guest
Pause the guest
Do nothing
Gracefully shutdown the guest (not recommended, since a hung guest probably won't respond to a graceful shutdown)
MODEL is the emulated device model: either i6300esb (the default) or ib700. Some examples:

Use the recommended settings:

--watchdog default

Use the i6300esb with the 'poweroff' action

--watchdog i6300esb,action=poweroff

Specifies a serial device to attach to the guest, with various options. The general format of a serial string is--serial and --parallel devices share all the same options, unless otherwise noted. Some of the types of character device redirection are:

MAN Port Devices Driver Download

--serial pty
Pseudo TTY . The allocated pty will be listed in the running guests XML description.
--serial dev,path=HOSTPATH
Host device. For serial devices, this could be /dev/ttyS0. For parallel devices, this could be /dev/parport0.
--serial file,path=FILENAME
Write output to FILENAME .
--serial pipe,path=PIPEPATH
Named pipe (see pipe(7))
--serial tcp,host=HOST:PORT,mode=MODE,protocol=PROTOCOL
TCP net console. MODE is either 'bind' (wait for connections on HOST:PORT ) or 'connect' (send output toHOST:PORT ), default is 'connect'. HOST defaults to '', but PORT is required. PROTOCOL canbe either 'raw' or 'telnet' (default 'raw'). If 'telnet', the port acts like a telnet server or client. Some examples:

Connect to localhost, port 1234:

--serial tcp,host=:1234

Wait for connections on any address, port 4567:

--serial tcp,host=,mode=bind

Wait for telnet connection on localhost, port 2222. The user could then connect interactively to this console via 'telnet localhost 2222':

--serial tcp,host=:2222,mode=bind,protocol=telnet

--serial udp,host=CONNECT_HOST:PORT,bind_host=BIND_HOST:BIND_PORT
UDP net console. HOST:PORT is the destination to send output to (default HOST is '',PORT is required). BIND_HOST:BIND_PORT is the optional local address to bind to (default BIND_HOST is,but is only set if BIND_PORT is specified). Some examples:

Send output to default syslog port (may need to edit /etc/rsyslog.conf accordingly):

--serial udp,host=:514

Send output to remote host, port 4444 (this output can be read on the remote host using 'nc -u -l 4444'):

--serial udp,host=

--serial unix,path=UNIXPATH,mode=MODE
Unix socket, see unix(7). MODE has similar behavior and defaults as --serial tcp,mode=MODE
Specifies a communication channel device to connect the guest and host machine. This option uses the same options as --serial and --parallel for specifyingthe host/source end of the channel. Extra 'target' options are used to specify how the guest machine sees the channel.

Some of the types of character device redirection are:

--channel SOURCE ,target_type=guestfwd,target_address=HOST:PORT
Communication channel using QEMU usermode networking stack. The guest can connect to the channel using the specified HOST:PORTcombination.
--channel SOURCE ,target_type=virtio[,name=NAME]
Communication channel using virtio serial (requires 2.6.34 or later host and guest). Each instance of a virtio --channel line is exposed in the guest as/dev/vport0p1, /dev/vport0p2, etc. NAME is optional metadata, and can be any string, such as org.linux-kvm.virtioport1. If specified, this willbe exposed in the guest at /sys/class/virtio-ports/vport0p1/NAME
--channel spicevmc,target_type=virtio[,name=NAME]
Communication channel for QEMU spice agent, using virtio serial (requires 2.6.34 or later host and guest). NAME is optionalmetadata, and can be any string, such as the default com.redhat.spice.0 that specifies how the guest will see the channel.
Connect a text console between the guest and host. Certain guest and hypervisor combinations can automatically set up a getty in the guest, so an out of thebox text login can be provided (target_type=xen for xen paravirt guests, and possibly target_type=virtio in the future).


--console pty,target_type=virtio
Connect a virtio console to the guest, redirected to a PTY on the host. For supported guests, this exposes /dev/hvc0 in the guest. See for more info. virtio console requires libvirt 0.8.3 or later.
Specify what video device model will be attached to the guest. Valid values for VIDEO are hypervisor specific, but some options for recentkvm are cirrus, vga, qxl, or vmvga (vmware).
Configure a virtual smartcard device.

Mode is one of host, host-certificates, or passthrough. Additional options are:

Character device type to connect to on the host. This is only applicable for passthrough mode.
An example invocation:

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--smartcard passthrough,type=spicevmc

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Use the smartcard channel of a SPICE graphics device to pass smartcard info to the guest
See '' for complete details.

Miscellaneous Options

Set the autostart flag for a domain. This causes the domain to be started on host boot up.
If the requested guest has no install phase (--import, --boot), print the generated XML instead of defining the guest. By default thisWILL do storage creation (can be disabled with --dry-run).

If the guest has an install phase, you will need to use --print-step to specify exactly what XML output you want. This option implies--quiet.

Acts similarly to --print-xml, except requires specifying which install step to print XML for. Possible values are 1, 2, 3, or all. Stage 1is typically booting from the install media, and stage 2 is typically the final guest config booting off hardisk. Stage 3 is only relevant for windowsinstalls, which by default have a second install stage. This option implies --quiet.
Prevent the domain from automatically rebooting after the install has completed.
Amount of time to wait (in minutes) for a VM to complete its install. Without this option, virt-install will wait for the console to close(not neccessarily indicating the guest has shutdown), or in the case of --noautoconsole, simply kick off the install and exit. Any negative value will makevirt-install wait indefinitely, a value of 0 triggers the same results as noautoconsole. If the time limit is exceeded, virt-install simply exits, leaving thevirtual machine in its current state.
Prevent interactive prompts. If the intended prompt was a yes/no prompt, always say yes. For any other prompts, the application will exit.
Proceed through the guest creation process, but do NOT create storage devices, change host device configuration, or actually teach libvirtabout the guest. virt-install may still fetch install media, since this is required to properly detect the OS to install.
Specifically enable prompting for required information. Default prompting is off (as of virtinst 0.400.0)
Check that the number virtual cpus requested does not exceed physical CPUs and warn if they do.
-q, --quiet
Only print fatal error messages.
-d, --debug
Print debugging information to the terminal when running the install process. The debugging information is also stored in'$HOME/.virtinst/virt-install.log' even if this parameter is omitted.


Install a Fedora 13 KVM guest with virtio accelerated disk/network, creating a new 8GB storage file, installing from media in the hostsCDROM drive, auto launching a graphical VNC viewerInstall a Fedora 9 plain QEMU guest, using LVM partition, virtual networking, booting from PXE , usingVNC server/viewerInstall a guest with a real partition, with the default QEMU hypervisor for a different architecture using SDL graphics, usinga remote kernel and initrd pair:Run a Live CD image under Xen fullyvirt, in diskless environmentRun /usr/bin/httpd in a linux container guest ( LXC ). Resource usage is capped at 512 MB of ram and 2 host cpus:Install a paravirtualized Xen guest, 500 MB of RAM , a 5 GB of disk, and Fedora Core 6 from a web server, intext-only mode, with old style --file options:Create a guest from an existing disk image 'mydisk.img' using defaults for the rest of the options.Test a custom kernel/initrd using an existing disk image, manually specifying a serial device hooked to a PTY on the host machine.


Written by Daniel P. Berrange, Hugh Brock, Jeremy Katz, Cole Robinson and a team of many other contributors. See the AUTHORS file in thesource distribution for the complete list of credits.


Please see


Copyright © 2006-2011 Red Hat, Inc, and various contributors. This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of theGNU General Public License ''. There is NO WARRANTY , to the extent permitted bylaw.

See Also

virsh(1), 'virt-clone(1)', 'virt-manager(1)', the project website ''

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Permits you to use your right-hand man or left hand. The edge of the mouse is created with a patterned handle so it is not unsafe and also feels sturdy. Exactly how to use it is also simple. Because you can use the USB Nano Receiver plugs models that are available on the COMPUTER or laptop USB Port. You require to understand that the M170/ M171 computer mouse made by Logitech is a device with a plug and play connection. So you can simply link the receiver to the computer system's USB port. Then the computer mouse can be straight utilized. You do not require to download and install extra software application to use it. From Review Logitech M170/ 171 this computer mouse is acknowledged to be able to survive without a replacement battery for less than 1 year. To make the battery life longer, you can utilize the On/ Off Switch to make sure that the dead tool can't be utilized. Logitech M171 Driver and Software Download For Windows And Mac

Logitech M171 Specifications

CategoriesMouse Wireless
Software Support (at release)Logitech Options
Connection Type2.4 GHz Wireless connection
DPI (Min/Max)1000 dpi
Sensor technologyLogitech Advanced Optical Tracking
Scroll WheelYes

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Last Update: 2019-09-04
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File Size: 188 MB

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Logitech M171 Driver and Software For Mac:

Software Version: 8.02.86
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Method 1 Connecting a Mouse with a Wireless Receiver

  • Helpful? Plugin your mouse's receiver.
  • Make sure that your mouse has batteries or is charged.
  • Turn on your mouse.
  • Press your mouse's 'Connect' button.
  • Move your mouse around to test the connection.

Use these steps to change the mouse pointer speed:

  • Click Start. In the Search box, type mouse.
  • Click the Pointer Options tab.
  • In the Motion field, click and hold the slide bar while moving the mouse to the right or left, to adjust the mouse speed.
  • Click Apply, and then click OK to save your changes.

I suggest you follow the steps below and check if it helps.

  • Navigate to Start>Settings>Devices.
  • Click on Mouse and Touchpad.
  • In the right pane, click on Additional Mouse Settings.
  • Under Pointer tab, Click on Use Default.
  • Click on Apply and OK.

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How do I change my mouse pointer?

  • Click the lower-right Start button, type mouse in the search box and select Mouse in the results to open Mouse Properties.
  • Tap Pointers, click down arrow, choose a scheme from the list and select OK.
  • Change the size and color of the Mouse Pointer in the Control Panel.
  • Tap Change how your mouse works.

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